DID YOU KNOW THAT YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES TO CHANGE ANYTHING WITHIN YOUR BODY?Our Bodies are sensorial organisms designed to give you an awareness of the energy of the world around you. As an Access Body Process Facilitator I have the resources to assist you in creating more EASE within your body whether it be by boosting your immune system, releasing trauma, reversing the effects of aging and so much more.
These Access Body Processes unlock the tension, resistance and Dis-EASE of the body by dynamically shifting the energy.
As we age our bodies can experience repeated injuries, overworked or exhausted muscles, surgeries and basic deterioration, we become accustomed to our new tolerance and pain and discomfort as our new normal.
Through the body process of Access Consciousness I am trained in over 50 different body processes that include and are not limited to:
A phenomenal Immune System booster
Ways to under cumulative trauma to the body.